Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Week 1 - A Lesson in Non-attachment

I've had a certaijn lesson this week as I've been trying to get ready for the semester to begin. I'm using new technology, new tools. And sometimes (I won't say often), I will have worked on something for some time, only to find when I try to post or upload it, that it doesn't work, or doesn't look the way I want it to, or is lost forever. Certainly this is frustrating, but I know that these incidents are all a part of every area of our lives, so I'll look for the lesson. In the Baghavad Gita Krishna tells Arjuna that what is important is action, not results. Thus what is important for me and my writing, for my students and their writing is the action, to write.This seems like a good lesson here during week one. Everything is new, the routines that we might have established over the summer are disrupted. But for the writer routines are important (I'm tempted to say critical). And so in this early part of the semester I'm going to stress my own routine -- getting to this blog on a regular basis, and setting aside a specific time which is dedicated to the blog.
So what does this have to do with non-attachment? Well, I was thinking about the lines -- the words -- that we lose, either because of technological glitches or editing (which is worse?). Are they a waste of time? Certainly not. They're all there, part of the action of writing, contributing to our development as writers. So write, and write regularly. The things that we lose are important. But let them go.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The week before

So this is the week before the semester, that time of the year when I try to get my brain refired up about composition issues. Not that they ever go away, but they definitely lie dormant for certain periods during the year.
So we're gonna use blogs this semester. Yeah you right. Keep coming back here for regular comments about issues we face in class; issues that we don't face in class but that are important; and then issues that we may never face. All right. CK